Small Groups
At Weston, we believe that Small Groups are an essential part of growing together in Christ. For more information about our Small Groups, please contact the group coordinator, or check out the information in the church foyer
Hour of Power: Tuesday mornings from 10am. A group dedicated to praying together! Phone Sharyn Walker, 03 439 5141
Coffee & Prayer: Wednesday mornings from 10am at Casa Mia.
Walker's Study Group: Thursday evening at the Walker's home. Bible study and fellowship.
Phone Sharyn Walker, 03 439 5141
Friday Cafe: Fridays, 12:15-1:15pm. Join us for lunch and a catch up with the varied group of people. See the Church bulletin for this month's venue, or contact Sylvia, 03 434 7293
Women's Bible Study: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 10am in the Church lounge. Morning tea, worship and bible study.
Phone Mavis, 439 5459
Weston Men: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:30pm in the Church lounge. For those wanting to dig deeper into God's word.
Phone Andrew, 03 434 9300; or Mark, 03 437 0860
In It Together: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:30pm at Grasmueck's home. For women seeking to explore the bible, and journey through everyday life together. Phone Elizabeth, 027 251 5683
Connect: Meets 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays, 10am in the Church lounge. Coffee, chat, discussion and prayer.
Insight for Women: Every 3 weeks, from 6pm at Marilyn's home. Alternates between bible study and guest speaker.
Phone Marilyn 027 334 7873
Out and About: First Sunday of the month from 4:30. Please check bulletin for this month's location. A walk together, followed by a shared meal at about 6pm. Phone Margaret, 439 5089
Friday Friends: 4th Friday of the month, from 10 am at Weston Church. A fellowship group for our seniors, with morning tea, a time of sharing and guest speakers. Phone John, 434 7293
Most of our groups take a break during the school holidays, please contact the leaders!
Hour of Power: Tuesday mornings from 10am. A group dedicated to praying together! Phone Sharyn Walker, 03 439 5141
Coffee & Prayer: Wednesday mornings from 10am at Casa Mia.
Walker's Study Group: Thursday evening at the Walker's home. Bible study and fellowship.
Phone Sharyn Walker, 03 439 5141
Friday Cafe: Fridays, 12:15-1:15pm. Join us for lunch and a catch up with the varied group of people. See the Church bulletin for this month's venue, or contact Sylvia, 03 434 7293
Women's Bible Study: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 10am in the Church lounge. Morning tea, worship and bible study.
Phone Mavis, 439 5459
Weston Men: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:30pm in the Church lounge. For those wanting to dig deeper into God's word.
Phone Andrew, 03 434 9300; or Mark, 03 437 0860
In It Together: 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 7:30pm at Grasmueck's home. For women seeking to explore the bible, and journey through everyday life together. Phone Elizabeth, 027 251 5683
Connect: Meets 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays, 10am in the Church lounge. Coffee, chat, discussion and prayer.
Insight for Women: Every 3 weeks, from 6pm at Marilyn's home. Alternates between bible study and guest speaker.
Phone Marilyn 027 334 7873
Out and About: First Sunday of the month from 4:30. Please check bulletin for this month's location. A walk together, followed by a shared meal at about 6pm. Phone Margaret, 439 5089
Friday Friends: 4th Friday of the month, from 10 am at Weston Church. A fellowship group for our seniors, with morning tea, a time of sharing and guest speakers. Phone John, 434 7293
Most of our groups take a break during the school holidays, please contact the leaders!